Variety Registration Number : R162
Variety Name : Ong Heok
Fruit Shape : Oblong
Fruit Length : Panjang 5.59sm
Fruit Width : Sederhana 4.07sm
Fruit_Ratio Length To Width : 1.37:1
Fruit Skin Color : Merah R44B
Fruit Skin Thickness : Tebal(0.45cm)
Spintern Size : Panjang(1.6cm)
Spintern Distance : Sederhana
Spintern Texture : Sederhana
Spintern Base Color : Red44C
Spintern Middle Color :
Pulp Color : Krim
Pulp Thickness : Sederhana
Pulp Texture : Rangup
Pulp Surface : Mengerutu
Pulp Sweetness : Sederhana manis(19%)
Pulp Acidity : Low
Pulp Juciness : Kurang berair
Ease Of Separating Of Pulp From Seed : Lekang
Adherence Of Testa To Pulp : Kuat melekat
Seed Shape : Oblong
Seed Size : Medium
Time Of Flowering : Medium
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