Filing Date : 20/06/2017
Plant Category : Ornamentals
Plant Common Name : Chrysanthemum / Kekwa
Plant Breeder Reference : db 48176
Applicant File Reference : PVBT 017/17
Variety Denomination : DLFPICA4
Botanical Name : Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat
Agent Name : Asian Perlite Industries Sdn Bhd
Applicant 1 Name : Deliflor Royalties B.V.
Applicant 1 Telephone : +31 174 526200
Applicant 1 Citizenship : The Netherlands
Applicant 1 Address : Korte Kruisweg 163,2676 BS Maasdijk,The Netherlands
Applicant 2 Name :
Applicant 2 Telephone :
Applicant 2 Citizenship :
Applicant 2 Address :
Plant Breeder 1 Name : Arie Gerard Post
Plant Breeder 1 Citizenship : The Netherlands
Plant Breeder 1 Relationship To Applicant : Employee
Plant Breeder 1 Address : Lookwatering 46,2614 KA Delft,The Netherlands
Plant Breeder 2 Name :
Plant Breeder 2 Citizenship :
Plant Breeder 2 Relationship To Applicant :
Plant Breeder 2 Address :
Plant Breeder 3 Name :
Plant Breeder 3 Citizenship :
Plant Breeder 3 Relationship To Applicant :
Plant Breeder 3 Address :
PBR Filing In Foreign Country : No priority claimed a. Name of country : EU, file no. 2017/1209 b. Date of application is submitted : 03-05-2017 c. Date of plant breeder's right is granted : pending
Sold At Local Market : Yes a. Date first sold : 30-06-2016 b. Trade name : Picante
Sold At Foreign Market : Yes a. Date first sold : 25-04-2016 b. Trade name : Picante
Gazette (Notification of Application) :
Image :