Filing Date : 22/01/2015
Plant Category : Ornamentals
Plant Common Name : Curcuma
Plant Breeder Reference : SK 2053/12
Applicant File Reference : PVBT 002/15
Variety Denomination : DT 20-1
Botanical Name : Curcuma alismatifolia
Agent Name : Universiti Putra Malaysia
Applicant 1 Name : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thohirah Lee Abdullah
Applicant 1 Telephone : 016 233 5418
Applicant 1 Citizenship : Malaysian
Applicant 1 Address : Floriculture Lab, Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, UPM
Applicant 2 Name :
Applicant 2 Telephone :
Applicant 2 Citizenship :
Applicant 2 Address :
Plant Breeder 1 Name : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thohirah Lee Abdullah
Plant Breeder 1 Citizenship : Malaysian
Plant Breeder 1 Relationship To Applicant : -
Plant Breeder 1 Address : Floriculture Lab, Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, UPM
Plant Breeder 2 Name : Sima Taheri
Plant Breeder 2 Citizenship : Iranian
Plant Breeder 2 Relationship To Applicant : Ph.D candidate
Plant Breeder 2 Address : Floriculture Lab, Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, UPM
Plant Breeder 3 Name :
Plant Breeder 3 Citizenship :
Plant Breeder 3 Relationship To Applicant :
Plant Breeder 3 Address :
PBR Filing In Foreign Country :
Sold At Local Market : No
Sold At Foreign Market : No
Gazette (Notification of Application) :
Image :