Filing Date : 19/05/2014
Plant Category : Ornamentals
Plant Common Name : Orchid / Orkid
Plant Breeder Reference :
Applicant File Reference : PVBT 012/14
Variety Denomination : Sonia 'KeenaPearl'
Botanical Name : Dendrobium Sonia
Agent Name :
Applicant 1 Name : Malaysia Nuclear Agency
Applicant 1 Telephone : 03-8911 2000
Applicant 1 Citizenship : Malaysia
Applicant 1 Address : Malaysia Nuclear Agency, 43000 Bangi, Selangor
Applicant 2 Name :
Applicant 2 Telephone :
Applicant 2 Citizenship :
Applicant 2 Address :
Plant Breeder 1 Name : Sakinah Ariffin
Plant Breeder 1 Citizenship : Malaysia
Plant Breeder 1 Relationship To Applicant : Project Leader
Plant Breeder 1 Address : Agrotechnology & Biosciences Division, Malaysia Nucklear Agency, 43000 Bangi, Selangor
Plant Breeder 2 Name :
Plant Breeder 2 Citizenship :
Plant Breeder 2 Relationship To Applicant :
Plant Breeder 2 Address :
Plant Breeder 3 Name :
Plant Breeder 3 Citizenship :
Plant Breeder 3 Relationship To Applicant :
Plant Breeder 3 Address :
PBR Filing In Foreign Country : No
Sold At Local Market : No
Sold At Foreign Market : No
Gazette (Notification of Application) :
Image :