Filing Date : 28/3/2018
Plant Category : Cereals
Plant Common Name : Rice
Plant Breeder Reference : INH11001
Applicant File Reference : PVBT 029/18
Variety Denomination : Tej Gold
Botanical Name : Oryza sativa
Agent Name : Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Applicant 1 Name : Bayer Cropscience Lp
Applicant 1 Telephone : (919) 549 2000
Applicant 1 Citizenship : United States
Applicant 1 Address : 2 T.W Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, Nc 27709, USA
Applicant 2 Name : -
Applicant 2 Telephone : -
Applicant 2 Citizenship : -
Applicant 2 Address : -
Plant Breeder 1 Name : Dr Yog Raj
Plant Breeder 1 Citizenship : India
Plant Breeder 1 Relationship To Applicant : Employee
Plant Breeder 1 Address : plot no.13, survey no. P64, Software Layout, Vbit Park Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad 500081 India.
Plant Breeder 2 Name : -
Plant Breeder 2 Citizenship : -
Plant Breeder 2 Relationship To Applicant : -
Plant Breeder 2 Address : -
Plant Breeder 3 Name : -
Plant Breeder 3 Citizenship : -
Plant Breeder 3 Relationship To Applicant : -
Plant Breeder 3 Address : -
PBR Filing In Foreign Country : a. Name of country : India/Vietnamb. Date of application is submitted :26 May 2018c. Date of plant breeder’s right is granted : pending
Sold At Local Market : No
Sold At Foreign Market : a.Date first sold :May 2017 b.Trade Name : Tej Gold
Gazette (Notification of Application) : P.U.(B) 641/2021
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